Sunday, May 1, 2016

Myanmar in Malaysia

Assalamualaikum. :)

People around the world expecially Muslims were shock due to the violence incident between the Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in the west, in which dozens have died in 2012. Then in 2015, hundreds of Muslim Rohingyas migrants leave by sea in flimsy boats, along with migrants from Bangladesh. Many of them were trapped here in Malaysia, due to poverty and no chance to have better living after being refugees from their own hometown. (you can read here
Many of the Myanmar's children in Malaysia do not have the chance to have better education. Thanks to volunteers who gladly want to help those kids in getting education. If any of you thinking of volunteering with those children, you can visit this blog ( as they will give you all the information about the kids learning place. :)

It is important for us the help these people as they do not have opportunities as how we Malaysian have. But still they have the rights to live peacefully and get eduation to have better future. As how one of the website( update us, Myanmars refugee children having their education in the feeling of fears. how does it feel for us to go to school with fears? Surely we could not learn well. It is important for us to lend our hand to help them.
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